Use the search
To quickly find a product in our catalog, it is convenient to use search. To do this, each page in the header has a search bar. Enter the desired word/words into it, click on the magnifying glass image:
You will be taken to the search page. It has several elements. In the upper part of the title, you can see the words you were looking for:
In the upper part, the sections of our catalog whose names contain the words you specified are shown in the center:
Below you will find products or companies whose descriptions contain the words you specified:
At the bottom of the search page there is a display of page numbers, you can scroll through the pages of this search:
In the left part of the window, you will find a list of sections where ads with the keywords you specified are found. This way you can narrow your search by selecting only those products that are in a specific section:
For example, clicking on the section "Drilling Rigs" in the left part will take You to this section, which shows only those products that contain the requested keyword "power plant". To view the entire content of the section, click on the "Reset" button.